Picked On For How I Was Different

I took the @I_dont_do_ugly challenge! This is a campaign to bring awareness to #antibullying #cancerawareness and to #soberlife . I encourage and challenge you to get rid of any ugly you may have in your thoughts/words/actions/heart and set your intention to spread love instead to yourself and others.
Part of this challenge is to share your story of how any of these topics may have impacted your life.
Here's mine...
When I was in high school I had a few things going against me: I moved from Jersey to Vermont, a body different than everyone else's, and oily skin. I was always picked on for having big thighs. My build was thanks to my gymnastics growing up and I had a muscular lower half! In my eyes though they were big and big meant fat. In gym class one day freshman year of high school a boy yelled out in front of my entire class "DAMN MARY HAS A BIG BUTT" and everyone laughed. The type of shoes I wore were mocked, my body, and my shiny greasy skin. I took the opinions of others so seriously I would wash my face and redo my make up 2-3 times a day and I started a "diet" that lead to anorexia. I was always a solid 130lbs in high school and got down to 83lbs. It took me a long time to get healthy- mentally and physically but it is what ultimately got me to where I am and what I do for a living today. . .
If you teach love not hate at an early age, imagine the potential kids can reach at a much earlier stage of life. How much more loving and peaceful our world would be. .
Embrace what makes you different - it's what sets you apart! It was given to you for a reason so do something with it! And never allow the opinions, words, or actions of anyone else dim the light you have inside of you!
My company name QuadCityFitness came from me I owning these thighs (quadriceps... "quads"). I am more about teaching you fitness. I show you how to love yourself and build confidence. I took what I was most embarrassed of and turned it into what I'm most proud of. And I challenge YOU to do the same. . .
#IDDU #IDontDoUgly #positive #motivation #inspiration #love #begood